Egyébként a holnapiból is, de most a mával foglalkozzunk. És Brunával.

Íme, Bruna Luccas, azaz Bru.

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YEEEP. sucks! People are so rude. But just remember they say bad stuff to make themselves fell better cause their life sucks and instead of doing anything to change it they just leave mean comments on people’s Instagram pages! ??‍♀️ TRUE! So many people are lost and depressed and instead of going to the GYM to better their selves or getting a better job or doing anything to better themselves they just sit around and complain all day and make others feel BAD! Because they can’t find ways to be happy ? Guys, life is so much better when you stop caring what other people think! And just be yourself and DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! Fuck what other people think. ❤️

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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What are you thinking right now? ?

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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? ?

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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? #nofilter

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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? @ohrangutang ? @cristinapilo ? @missbuscemi

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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cellulite is very common and natural, if you have it raise your hand!!!! ??‍♀️??‍♀️

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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All good! ?☺️

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Cellulite, cellulite, cellulite! Women have cellulite. I do too! That's the truth. And it is natural. Nobody is perfect. And I am definitely not! I do not want to create this false illusion of perfection that does not exist in reality. Perfection is a standard that girls try to live up to that is just unreal. I like to model - but at the same time it is really important to me to present an image for girls that is both beautiful and TRUE. We have enough unrealistic standards and expectations for girls in this world. Especially with social media. My pictures are not photoshopped or fabricated. I want to keep things real and natural. Some people don't like to show the ugly truth. But I prefer an ugly truth to a beautiful lie. Real beauty is better than fake perfection. But you can always try to be better. I have some tips that I use to help fight my cellulite. I use various moisturizing creams - none of them expensive, usually around $10 - and massage. You have to keep your skin hydrated and your circulation healthy. That is key. Massage helps with circulation. And there are some creams specific for promoting circulation to help reduce cellulite. Exercising a lot helps as well, of course. For me, working out and cardio - especially vigorous high- has really helped decrease my cellulite. Food is also important, as always. Eating clean helps reduce or prevent cellulite. And drinking a lot of water is a must! Again, hydration is so important. Eating clean is what I struggle with, but as you guys know, now I am in a Diet and I have high expectations to reduce my cellulite. ?? Ladies, please don't feel hopeless or embarrassed about any imperfections you may have! We all have them. We all struggle with our bodies. We can all share our stories and try to help each other. We are all in this together ?? #realtalk #nobodyisperfect #beautifultruth

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Honestly why the fuck am I already tired of this week??? It’s Monday ?

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Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Be thankful / sea ​​agradecido / seja grato??. #morning

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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I hope something unexpectedly good happens to you this week.. ?

Bru (@bruluccas) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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