A bíró szerencsére profin kezelte a helyzetet.

Az Északi-Mariana-szigeteken megrendezett Trench Warz 20 MMA-gála elég fura meccset hozott. Az egyik bunyós földre került, majd az ellenfele szabálytalanul fejbe rúgta. A bekapott ütések annyira megzavarták a földre került versenyzőt, hogy a bírót és az ellenfelét összetévesztette, és az előbbinek rontott neki. Szerencsére a mérkőzésvezető uralta a helyzetet.
I had the honor of being one of the refs for Trench Warz 20 this past weekend. I had one of the best experiences as a ref and martial arts competitor with this fight in particular. These guys were getting after each other right off the bat. With all the adrenaline running an illegal kick was thrown to the down opponent as you see in the footage. Usually fighters cover their heads and pretend to be in antagonizing pain to sway a disqualification win. This fighter was totally opposite of that. He was GAME! He had the Chamorro Islander fighting spirit and had no giving up in him even after getting dazed. I just happened to be in front of him as he got back up! LOL. It was an amazing night of fights! Si Yu'us Maase @ifamiliaku_mass and the fighters for putting on an amazing show! Yamato Damashii in full effect! LONG LIVE THE ISLAND WARRIORS!


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