Nem túlzunk, fantasztikus kép született. Maga a fotós sem hiszi el, hogy össze tudta hozni.

Mack Murdock profi fotósnak komoly tervezés és munka során sikerült megörökítenie, ahogy a Nap előtt elhalad a Nemzetközi Űrállomás (ISS) – pontosabban annak útját követte végig, ami azért sem volt olyan könnyű, mert a több mint 27 ezer km/órás sebességgel száguldó ISS kábé fél másodperc alatt szeli át központi csillagunkat, ami egyébként kábé 90 percenként megtörténik.

Még maga Murdock sem hiszi el, hogy sikerült ezt a képet összehoznia:

"International Space Station Solar Transit." Wow, I seriously cant believe I got this shot. It amazes me that doing something like this is even possible. Can you imagine traveling an hour into the desert to try and capture an event that lasts 0.2 seconds, faster than you can blink, hoping you get something, anything. Let me tell you what goes into a shot like this. You need to figure out when the ISS is going to pass in front of the sun and then find the exact coordinate and elevation where to line yourself up exactly with the ISS and the Sun, and let me tell ya, you have like, half a mile of wiggle room or else you're too far off and the ISS will just clip the side, or you can completely miss it. Then, on that day, you go to the location, set everything up, get everything ready way ahead of time. The space station travels at 17,500mph, so the time it takes the ISS to go from 1 side of the sun to the other is exactly .5 of a second. With my field of view on my camera and lens, it was more like 0.2 of a second. By now you've figured out the exact time down to the Millisecond on when the ISS will cross. You start your count down, 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 -6 - 5- 4- 3- 2- 1- 0, by now you're firing off exposures just in case it comes early or late, and you're watching your computer screen in excitement as it blows right through your frame. Everyone screams and cheers, planning, and the effort was worth it. So here are each frame of the ISS crossing the Sun. Massive thanks to @simon2940 and @dominichole for being there with me and sharing this amazing experience and astrophotography goal. I first got the ISS crossing the moon... and now i have the sun. ⁠ Photo Details:⁠ Camera: ZWO ASI120 Lens: SOLARMAX II 90MM Focal Length: 800mm⁠ Mount: Orion Atlas EQ-G⁠ Imaging Software: SharpCap⁠ Stacking Software: AutoStakker⁠ Editing Software in Adobe Photoshop⁠ #internationalspacestation #solartransit⁠ #astrophotography #solarimaging #youresa #yesesa #sun #astronomy #nasa #natgeo #naturephotography #nebula #nightphotography #natyourshot #nightsky #outerspace #physics #science #yourshotphotographer #stargazing #telescope #universe #universetoday @natgeoyourshot @ natgeo

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És ha már a Nap szóba jött:

Rejtélyes, szívdobbanásszerű jelek érkeznek a Nap mögül

A szakértők nem teljesen értik, mi lehet ez.

(Nyitókép: Getty Images)

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